PSU has a bizarre schedule. Its not just the fact that someone decided that the academic calendar should have every federal and religious holiday known to mankind on it, because reasons (because even if we don’t have the day off, happy whatever? I guess?). But this fact makes finding the start and end dates to a quarter hellish to a person with focus issues- However the most unexplainable scheduling faux pas is the first week of summer break is also . . . finals week? Is that normal for other colleges?
Look all I’m saying is that is if I came up with this schedule I’d be fired. It feels like reading a diary I would have kept while un-medicated for anxiety. ANYWAY-
I start my summer courses on Monday. But I do have some pages that I’ll be posting weekly throughout the Summer. My hope is to do one page a week, if I find I have more time then I’ll start doing two pages.
Things are better, but I’m still just trying to keep maintaining a healthy body and mind. Lord knows I don’t want to pull a Whitney here- a bottle of wine and box of cheez-its are fine in moderation. But certainly not a replacement for actual therapy and working on yourself. Which I’m finding is more akin weeding a seasonal garden infested with bamboo and blackberry bushes then graduating from kindergarten(-one therapy session I’M CUUUURED!!). I’m away from some fragile family who I know I have limited time with. Other family is growing up so fast I’m missing out on milestones I’d like to be a part of. I miss my cat. My focus issues are colliding head-to-head with habits I’ve developed over years to survive and maintain crappy retail jobs and my impeccable customer service smile. I had major surgery after being sick for two years. And then I decided to go get a degree, so we moved from a place we loved. Just, you know, some stressors that people recommend that you don’t do one right after the other.
Also politics, but we won’t get into that here.

Other then the gif
But good things are happening as well. I’m excited for my summer courses, I spent a whole weekend visiting my family; and we spent the whole summer solstice with friends we hadn’t seen in forever.I’m plugging away at the comic, mulling over angles and dialogue. So, like most of life- its not all bad all the time